Search Examples
From GO term to Pfam domain:
Return all the pfam domains associated with GO:0000213 = GO:0000213 (4 rows)Return all the pfam domains associated with GO:0000213 and not in InterPro = GO:0000213 no (2 row)
Return all the pfam domains associated with GO:0000213 and in InterPro = GO:0000213 yes (2 row)
From Pfam domain to GO term:
Return all the GO terms associated with Pfam domain: 'PF01502'= PF01502 (6 rows)Return all the GO terms associated with Pfam domain: 'PF01502' and not in InterPro = PF01502 no (5 rows)
Return all the GO terms associated with Pfam domain: 'PF01502' and in InterPro = PF01502 yes (1 row)